Costums from all over the world...

2012 is approaching and the most of us preparing for the New Year’s event. Many of us are wondering about the customs round the world.

  • GREECE – CYPRUS: We eat the traditional new year’ s cake. At first we cross the new year’ s cake and after this we cut it to pieces and we share it in according to the family prelacy. The first pieces are giving to Jesus Christ, to church, to poor, to home and after to the member of the family.
  • SPAIN: They have a different and more healthy custom. They eat 12 grapes (for each month of the year), because they believe that they will have good luck in the new year.
  • HOLLAND: In Holland they have “incendiaries” dispositions. They are gathering all Christmas trees and burning them, under the music of the fireworks. In this way, they believe, that they are burning the last year and the new year it’s gonna be “pure”.
  • SCOTLAND: In Scotland, they are showing a more merciful mood. They are visiting the houses of the neighbors holding wood or bread.
  • JAPAN: The events and the parties are getting started from the beginning of December. Many bonenkai parties are taking place and they people are saying goodbye to the problems of the last year, so they will be ready to welcome the new year. The little kids are taking otoshidamas, little presents with money inside them
  • COLOMBIA: In Colombia are burning a human’s likeness, made of rag. Every member of the family is nailing on it notes with wrong or bad actions that they did but also the misfortunes of the last year’ s that they want to absolve. They burn this human’s likeness, which is full of straw and firecrackers, creating in this way an amazing show.
  • USA: In USA they are gathering in Time’ s Square Street to have opportunity to see the crystal ball getting down.
  • AUSTRALIA: Don’t forget that they have summer, so remember to pick up your swimwear and get ready to surf. Production

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